Did you know …? – Photo album


Photo album.

Design your own personal photo album by uploading your favourite personal pictures to your photo album, and share it with your friends.

Edit photo album.

Move the mouse over your name in the meta navigation at the top, and open your profile. There you will find your personal photo album. Select: To the photo album.

Your personal photo album will open under the Edit photo album menu item. You can now upload up to 500 pictures. You can select JPG and PNG formats up to 10 MB. Now you can edit your photo album or just look at your pictures. Your stored images are now visible for all your friends.

Select Upload photo to complete your personal photo album. You can search for the desired folders and then load them directly into your photo album. It is also possible to label pictures. Your pictures will appear in a tile view in the overview. You can delete files at any time. Simply click on the delete symbol in the top right-hand corner of the picture. After you have confirmed, the picture will be deleted.

Show photo album.

Select Show photo album to see pictures that have already been stored. There you will find your personal photos including titles. To enlarge, simply click on the magnifying glass in the centre of the picture.

Would you like to look at other RoadStars' photo albums? In your social network box, select a friend's User profile. This will take you straight to your friend's profile, where you can view his or her personal photo album.

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