Trucking milestones: 1978 – delivering milk in the NG 1617 and co

Series: Trucking milestones

Drink up.

In 1978, a Mercedes-Benz fleet provided the area around Hamburg with milk. The Hansano brand is still well known to this day.

Older people in the north of Germany still know him: Klein Hansi. The mischievous, smiling blonde boy has been the embodiment of Hansano for a long time – the brand name of the dairy cooperative Hansa-Milch, which was founded by farmers in Hamburg in 1937.

Today, Hansano processes around 700 million kilogrammes of milk every year from roughly 700 milk suppliers from Germany and its neighbouring countries. However, the company already managed a good 200 million kilogrammes per year 40 years ago. Since then, private companies have taken on the transport from the farms in Hamburg’s environs to the Hansa dairy in the city. 

About half of the milk that is delivered leaves the dairy a short time later as drinking milk. At the same time, the conveyor belts are busy moving quark, yogurt, butter and cream.

The dairy itself has a pure Mercedes-Benz fleet, including refrigerated and commercial vehicles.

The fleet comprises 59 type NG 1617 and 1619 vehicles as well as LP 808 and LP 608. And with them it’s off into the countryside: to supermarkets and corner shops.

To this day, the name Hansano is still well known in the north of Germany.

In 2011, the roughly 1.000 Hansa-Milch cooperatives agreed to fuse with the Swedish-Danish dairy group Arla Foods amba. Since then, the cooperative has been called Arla Milch – which is also well known beyond Germany’s northern border.

Photos: Daimler AG