International TaskForces – November

International TaskForces

Embakasi Forest, Kenia.

Tough, tougher, Africa: here, the tried-and-tested Actros fights through the thick mud of the Embakasi Forest to the west of the Kenian capital, Nairobi. The usually dry and dusty forest track turns into a mud bath during the rain season.

Traffic is as much a part of Nairobi as the Underground is of London. If the main roads of the town are full to bursting, many truckers divert off the beaten track to avoid sitting in the jams. On the north-south route, a shortcut leads through the Embakasi Forest to the west of the town. But, depending on the season, it can be a risky move. Particularly in April and May, the forest tracks get beaten by immense rainfall: the quantity of water that falls turns the dusty paths into almost impassable mud pools.

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