International TaskForces – April

International TaskForces

North Yungas Road, Bolivia.

The locals gave it the name “el camino de la muerte” – Death Road. In terms of danger, there aren't many roads that can beat the North Yungas Road in Bolivia. The Atego follows the single-lane road from La Paz to Coroico: 65 kilometres without a single guard rail. To tackle the rain, fog and muddy ground, drivers need courage and skill, but above all, the greatest possible level of concentration.

Contrary to the rest of the country which drives on the right-hand side of the road, the Bolivian government decided that traffic on the North Yungas Road should drive on the left. That helps avoid accidents as the driver has a better view of the edge of the road. In most cases, the trucks heading for La Paz are heavily laden and drive on the safe side of the road, sidled up to the mountain.

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