Love the Lorry: spreading the word


It’s National Lorry Week and we want to show the public just how important the driving industry is.

This week is the RHA National Lorry Week, so to celebrate we're promoting the essential role of professional drivers and trying to change public perceptions. We know we need truckers; we want everyone else to realise that too.

Changing public perceptions.

We recently interviewed real-life drivers at Truckfest 2019 to gain a better understanding of the challenges they face. One thing became apparent: truckers feel the general public don’t realise how complex the job can be, which can cause negativity on the road. As one driver explained, “Most people don’t understand how things move and are transported around,” which ultimately can cause added pressure for drivers.

We wanted to tackle this, so took action! Our exciting video features real interviews and important statistics, to inform the public of the importance of professional drivers.

“It’s a bit of a downer sometimes, but you love the job so you just put up with it.”

– Driver

Truckers love the lorry.

The majority of drivers love their profession and want to continue doing the job, all they want is more patience and understanding from the public. We hope this video reminds people of how much we all need truckers to keep things moving and they learn to ‘Love the Lorry.’

Thank you.

Thank you to all truckers for doing what you do, we appreciate your hard work and dedication to the industry and we will continue to support you in the future.

What do you think?

Are you a driver? Tell us what you think of our video and the message behind ‘Love the Lorry’ week in the comment section below or send a private message. We really appreciate your feedback.